Creme Brulee (Crème Brûlée)

 Initially, Crème Brûlée or Crème Brulee looks simple: It only requires a few steps and a small number of ingredients.

Crème Brûlée is a baked custard that is often creamy and pudding-like with a crispy top of caramelized sugar that breaks when you touch it lightly with a spoon. Heavy cream, eggs, sugar, and vanilla are used to make the custard. The custard underneath should be cool, but the caramelized sugar crust will be fairly warm or at room temperature when served.

Adding fruit or caramel to the bottom of a batch of Crème Brûlée helps dress it up, but vanilla is the traditional flavor.

Let's get Brûléeeeeee..

Prep time                        Cook time                               Chilling                            Total time
30 mins                            40 mins                                    4 hrs                         5 hrs 10 mins


1 quart heavy cream
1 vanilla bean (split and scraped) or 1 tb spoon Vanilla essence 
1 cup vanilla sugar (divided)
6 large egg yolks
2 quarts hot water (for boiling)


1. Set the oven's temperature to 325°F / 160°C.

2. Put a medium saucepan over medium heat, add the cream, vanilla bean (or else put vanilla extract), and bean pulp, and cook until it begins to simmer. Take it off the heat, cover it, and let it stand for 15 minutes. 

3. Mix the egg yolks and 1/2 cup sugar in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined and the color barely begins to brighten. *[1]

4. Little by little, while stirring constantly, add the cream. Discard the vanilla bean pod after straining the mixture through a finer mesh sieve into a different mixing basin as this helps to removing any little pieces of curdled egg that may be left. Fill six (7 to 8 ounce) ramekins with the liquid.

5. Put the ramekins in a large roasting or cake pan. Fill the pan with boiling water until the edges of the ramekins are halfway up. Avoid splashing water into the custards.

6. For around 40 to 45 minutes, bake the crème brûlée just until it is firm on the outside but jiggling in the inside. They may have slightly overbaked the custard if it has solidified like Jell-O. They may have a little thick texture and an eggy flavor, but they will still be great.

7. Take the ramekins out of the roasting pan and place them in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours and up to 3 days.

8. Before serving: For at least 10 minutes, take the crème brûlée out of the fridge before browning the sugar on top. Then, evenly distribute the remaining 1/2 cup vanilla sugar across the 6 plates' tops. Melt the sugar using a torch to create a crisp topping. Before serving, let the crème brûlée settle for at least five minutes. Garnish with some strawberry or blueberry as you proffered. Enjoy! 


[1]. Avoid mixing the eggs and sugar together too soon before adding the heated cream since this may cause eggy lumps to form when the sugar binds to the water in the egg yolks. And who wants eggy lumps in their custard?

When served within 20 minutes, crème brûlée  is at its finest. The crispy top might melt and the sugar could absorb moisture if you wait much longer.

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