Shakey's Mojos

If you enjoy quick food, you will undoubtedly adore Shakey's mojo potatoes. You may make this restaurant dish at home if you want to get a bit creative in the kitchen.

Let's jump into the recipe..


  • 4-6  potatoes
  • 2     eggs
  • 1/4  cup of water
  • Crispy fry chicken breading
  • Caesar salad dressing for 1st dip
  • Cheese, Flour, and Hot Water for 2nd dip

  • Steps

  • 1. Prepare the potatoes by peeling, cleaning, and slicing them into fourths. Soak them for two to six hours in water.
    • 2. In a dish, combine 2 eggs with 1 bowl of water. The potatoes should soak there for 15 minutes.
    • 3. Arrange the platter with the crispy fry chicken breading. Apply it to the potatoes, coating them well.
    • 4. In a frying pan, heat the oil to 350 °F (177 °C).
    • 5. Put the potatoes in the pan and sauté them until they are golden brown.
    • 6. Give it five minutes to cool.

    • Now Let's make The Dip..

  • 1. As for the 1st dip, use Caesar salad dressing.
  • 2. For the second dip, microwave cheese, flour, and hot water for 30 to 60 seconds. Put some pepper and basil leaves in.

  • Enjoy when served hot!
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